
This sections gathers all the relevant releases of the components of Bullet that we maintain in one place. It may not include the very few initial releases of these components if they were largely irrelevant. Full release notes can be found by clicking on the actual releases.

Bullet is still in active development. We welcome all contributions. Feel free to raise any issues/questions/bugs and whatever else on the relevant issues section for each component. Please include as many details as you can.

API Documentation

API (Java and Scala) docs can also be found for the releases below.


For downloading any of the latest artifacts listed below, you should use Maven Central. For resolving artifacts in your build tool, follow the directions in each of the components' Package Manager Setup sections.

Maven central

Our current package management solution is Maven Central. This requires no configuration if using Maven. The various releases below are not entirely on Maven Central. Certain older versions are on our previous package management solution.


JCenter was sunset in July 2021. All our artifacts prior to ~June 2021 that were on JCenter will still be accessible as long as JCenter is in read-only mode. We have since moved to Maven Central and artifacts since June 2021 are being published there. If you wish to resolve JCenter artifacts, you will need to configure your package manager to use JCenter. For instance, to resolve JCenter artifacts in Maven, you will need to add:


Bullet Core

The core Bullet logic (a library) that can be used to implement Bullet on different Stream Processors (like Flink, Storm, Kafka Streams etc.). This core library can also be reused in other Bullet components that wish to depend on core Bullet concepts. This actually lived inside the Bullet Storm package prior to version 0.5.0. Starting with 0.5.0, Bullet Storm only includes the logic to implement Bullet on Storm.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-22 1.5.1 HASH, type hinting, Bug fix for TOP K empty fields JavaDocs
2021-08-26 1.5.0 Outer queries (subqueries and nested LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE JavaDocs
2021-08-02 1.4.4 More efficient BOOLEAN computation and efficient LATERAL VIEW JavaDocs
2021-07-30 1.4.3 UNKNOWN containers as first class with Bullet Record 1.2.0 JavaDocs
2021-06-30 1.4.2 Uses Bullet Record 1.1.4 with better Avro performance JavaDocs
2021-06-25 1.4.1 ByteArrayPubSubMessageSerDe JavaDocs
2021-06-23 1.4.0 PubSubMessage stores Serializable. PubSubMessageSerDe infrastructure JavaDocs
2021-06-03 1.3.2 MOD, LOWER, UPPER JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.3.1 Bug fix for BulletConfig not recreating the BulletRecordProvider JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.2.3 First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.2.2 First release on Maven Central JavaDocs
2021-03-24 1.2.1 YAML library is snakeyaml instead of jvyaml JavaDocs
2021-01-04 1.2.0 Storage layer updates and extensions JavaDocs
2020-10-30 1.1.0 Ternary Logic, Bullet Record 1.1 JavaDocs
2020-10-02 1.0.0 Major release - Expressions, Storage, Async queries, No JSON queries JavaDocs
2019-02-01 0.6.6 QueryManager partition leak cleanup JavaDocs
2018-12-20 0.6.5 QueryManager logging fixes JavaDocs
2018-11-21 0.6.4 Extended field extraction in Projections JavaDocs
2018-11-21 0.6.3 Extended field extraction Filters and Aggregations JavaDocs
2018-11-19 0.6.2 Query Manager helpers JavaDocs
2018-11-16 0.6.1 Query Categorizer category JavaDocs
2018-11-06 0.6.0 Query Partitioning, Validator and other improvements JavaDocs
2018-10-21 0.5.2 AutoCloseable Pubsub Components, HttpClient 4.3.6 JavaDocs
2018-09-25 0.5.1 Better Order By, Smaller Serializations, Transient Fields JavaDocs
2018-09-14 0.5.0 Post Aggregations - ORDER BY, COMPUTATION, Casting in Filters JavaDocs
2018-09-05 0.4.3 Sliding Windows, SIZEIS, CONTAINSKEY, CONTAINSVALUE, filtering against other fields JavaDocs
2018-06-26 0.4.2 Fixes a bug with unclosed connections in the RESTPubSub JavaDocs
2018-06-22 0.4.1 Added RESTPublisher HTTP Timeout Setting
2018-06-18 0.4.0 Added support for Integer and Float data types, and configurable BulletRecordProvider class used to instantiate BulletRecords in bullet-core
2018-04-11 0.3.4 Pre-Start delaying and Buffering changes - queries are now buffered at the start of a query instead of start of each window
2018-03-30 0.3.3 Bug fix for
2018-03-20 0.3.2 Added headers to RESTPubSub http requests
2018-03-16 0.3.1 Added RESTPubSub implementation
2018-02-22 0.3.0 Supports windowing / incremental updates
2017-10-04 0.2.5 Supports an in-memory BufferingSubscriber implementation for reliable subscribing
2017-10-03 0.2.4 Helpers added to Config, PubSubMessage, Metadata and JSONFormatter. FAIL signal in Metadata. PubSubMessage is JSON serializable
2017-09-20 0.2.3 PubSub is no longer required to be Serializable. Makes PubSubMessage fully serializable. Utility classes and checked exceptions for PubSub
2017-08-30 0.2.2 Helper methods to PubSubMessage and Config
2017-08-23 0.2.1 Removes PubSubConfig, adds defaults methods to Publisher/Subscriber interfaces and improves PubSubException
2017-08-16 0.2.0 PubSub interfaces and classes to implement custom communication between API and backend
2017-06-27 0.1.2 Changes to the BulletConfig interface previously used in Bullet Storm. Users now use BulletStormConfig instead but YAML config is the same
2017-06-27 0.1.1 First stable release containing the core of Bullet as a library including parsing, implementing queries, creating results, DataSketches etc

Bullet Storm

The implementation of Bullet on Storm. Due to major API changes between Storm <= 0.10 and Storm 1.0, Bullet Storm used to build two artifacts. The artifactId changes from bullet-storm (for 1.0+) to bullet-storm-0.10. All releases for both versions include migration and testing of the code on both platforms. Feature parity depends on what was new in Storm 1.0. For example, the Resource Aware Scheduler or RAS, is only present in Storm 1.0+. So, bullet-storm-0.10 removes certain CPU and memory related settings specific to RAS in its configuration. There are also minor changes to the Metrics API in Storm. In terms of Bullet itself, there should be no differences.

Storm DRPC PubSub

The DRPC PubSub is part of this artifact and is fully released and available for use starting with versions 0.6.2 and above. It is only meant to be used if you're using Storm as your Backend.

Storm 0.10

We will no longer support Storm 0.10 since Storm 2.0 is now stable starting with Bullet on Storm 1.0.

Storm-1.0+ Repository
Storm-0.10- Repository
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Latest Artifact Latest Artifact
Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Storm 1.0+ Storm 0.10 JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.3.1 - Bullet Core 1.5.1 and DSL 1.2.1 JavaDocs
2021-09-01 1.3.0 - Bullet Core 1.5.0 and DSL 1.2.0 JavaDocs
2021-08-03 1.2.1 - Bullet Core 1.4.4 and DSL 1.1.8 JavaDocs
2021-07-07 1.2.0 - PubSubMessageSerDe. Bolts emit PubSubMessage. Bullet Core 1.4.2 and DSL 1.1.7 JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.1.4 - Bullet Core 1.3.1 and DSL 1.1.6 JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.1.3 - First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-23 1.1.2 - Bullet Core 1.2.2. First release on Maven Central JavaDocs
2021-03-25 1.1.1 - Bullet Core 1.2.1 JavaDocs
2021-03-19 1.1.0 - SpoutConnector JavaDocs
2021-03-01 1.0.1 - Extra submit API with Storm Config JavaDocs
2021-01-12 1.0.0 - Bullet Core 1.1, Replay, Storage JavaDocs
2019-02-07 0.9.1 0.9.1 Bullet DSL 0.1.2 and packaging fixes JavaDocs
2019-02-07 0.9.0 0.9.0 Bullet DSL support! JavaDocs
2018-11-26 0.8.5 0.8.5 Extended field notation and updates bullet-core to 0.6.4 JavaDocs
2018-11-20 0.8.4 0.8.4 Partitioning and updates bullet-core to 0.6.2 JavaDocs
2018-06-18 0.8.3 0.8.3 Using new bullet-record and bullet-core supporting Integer and Float data types JavaDocs
2018-04-12 0.8.2 0.8.2 Delaying query start in Join bolt
2018-04-04 0.8.1 0.8.1 Fixed bug in Joinbolt
2018-03-30 0.8.0 0.8.0 Supports windowing / incremental updates
2017-11-07 0.7.0 0.7.0 Merge Query and Metadata Streams
2017-10-24 0.6.2 0.6.2 Adds a fat jar for using the DRPC PubSub in the Web Service
2017-10-18 0.6.1 0.6.1 DRPC PubSub
2017-08-30 0.6.0 0.6.0 New PubSub architecture, removes DRPC components and settings
2017-06-27 0.5.0 0.5.0 Pulled out Bullet Core. BulletConfig to BulletStormConfig
2017-06-09 0.4.3 0.4.3 Adding rounding for DISTRIBUTION. Latency metric
2017-04-28 0.4.2 0.4.2 Strict JSON output and fix for no data distributions
2017-04-26 0.4.1 0.4.1 Result Metadata Concept name mismatch fix
2017-04-21 0.4.0 0.4.0 DISTRIBUTION and TOP K release. Configuration renames.
2017-03-13 0.3.1 0.3.1 Extra records accepted after query expiry bug fix
2017-02-27 0.3.0 0.3.0 Metrics interface, config namespace, NPE bug fix
2017-02-15 0.2.1 0.2.1 Acking support, Max size and other bug fixes
2017-01-26 0.2.0 0.2.0 GROUP (DISTINCT, SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG)
2017-01-09 0.1.0 0.1.0 COUNT DISTINCT and micro-batching

Bullet Spark

The implementation of Bullet on Spark Streaming.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.2.1 Bullet Core 1.5.1 and DSL 1.2.1 SparkDocs
2021-09-01 1.2.0 Bullet Core 1.5.0 and DSL 1.2.0 SparkDocs
2021-08-03 1.1.1 Bullet Core 1.4.4 and DSL 1.1.8 SparkDocs
2021-07-07 1.1.0 Bullet Core 1.4.2 and DSL 1.1.7. Supports PubSubMessageSerDe SparkDocs
2021-05-14 1.0.4 Bullet Core 1.3.1 and DSL 1.1.6. Avro BulletRecords serialize properly with Kryo enabled SparkDocs
2021-04-27 1.0.3 First release using Screwdriver SparkDocs
2021-04-23 1.0.2 First release on Maven Central. Bullet Core 1.2.2 SparkDocs
2021-03-25 1.0.1 Bullet Core 1.2.1 SparkDocs
2021-02-12 1.0.0 Bullet Core 1.2.0, DSL SparkDocs
2019-02-07 0.2.2 Fixes a NPE in JoinStreaming for very short queries SparkDocs
2018-11-26 0.2.1 Uses bullet-core 0.6.4 and supports extended field notation in queries SparkDocs
2018-11-16 0.2.0 Uses bullet-core 0.6.1 and adds partitioning support SparkDocs
2018-06-18 0.1.2 Uses SimpleBulletRecord to avoid some Spark serialization issues with Avro SparkDocs
2018-06-08 0.1.1 Adds a command flag to pass custom setting file
2018-05-25 0.1.0 The first release

Bullet Web Service

The Web Service implementation that can serve a static schema from a file and talk to the backend using the PubSub.


Starting with 0.1.1 and above, this artifact no longer produces a WAR file that is meant to be run in a servlet container and instead switches to an executable Java application using Spring Boot.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.4.2 Bullet Core 1.5.1 and BQL 1.3.1 JavaDocs
2021-09-10 1.4.1 Bug fix for masked Commons Lang3 transitive dependency JavaDocs
2021-09-01 1.4.0 Bullet Core 1.5.0 and BQL 1.3.0 JavaDocs
2021-08-03 1.3.2 Bullet Core 1.4.4 and BQL 1.2.5 JavaDocs
2021-07-27 1.3.1 Fixes metrics reporting when storage is not configured JavaDocs
2021-07-26 1.3.0 Adds a bunch of new metrics that are reported for queries (async and sync) JavaDocs
2021-06-30 1.2.3 Bullet Core 1.4.2 and BQL 1.2.4 JavaDocs
2021-06-28 1.2.2 Bug fix for QueryService#get not using the PubSubMessageSerDe JavaDocs
2021-06-25 1.2.1 Uses ByteArrayPubSubMessageSerDe by default. Bullet Core 1.4.1 JavaDocs
2021-06-24 1.2.0 Supports PubSubMessageSerDe. Bullet Core 1.4.0 and BQL 1.2.2 JavaDocs
2021-06-17 1.1.0 Adds a get interface to QueryService to retrieve stored queries JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.0.4 Bullet Core 1.3.1 and BQL 1.2.0 JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.0.3 First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-23 1.0.2 First release on Maven Central. Bullet Core 1.2.2 JavaDocs
2021-03-25 1.0.1 Bullet Core 1.2.1 JavaDocs
2021-01-12 1.0.0 Async queries, Storage, Metrics, BQL only 1.0, Bullet Core 1.0 JavaDocs
2019-03-07 0.5.0 QueryManager API updates JavaDocs
2018-11-28 0.4.3 Updates bullet-bql to 0.2.1 JavaDocs
2018-11-26 0.4.2 BQL to JSON endpoint, dead backend reaper, new types in Schema, bullet-core 0.6.4 JavaDocs
2018-09-06 0.4.1 Max Queries limit and bullet-bql 0.1.2 JavaDocs
2018-07-17 0.4.0 Enhanced Web Service to support BQL queries JavaDocs
2018-06-25 0.3.0 Upgrades to Netty-less Bullet Core for the RESTPubsub
2018-06-14 0.2.2 Adding settings to configure Websocket
2018-04-02 0.2.1 Moved and renamed settings
2018-03-30 0.2.0 Supporting windowing / incremental updates
2017-10-19 0.1.1 New PubSub architecture. Switching to Spring Boot and executable JAR instead of WAR
2016-12-16 0.0.1 The first release with support for DRPC and the file-based schema

Want to directly download jars?

Head over to the Maven Central download page to directly download all Bullet Storm, Core, Service, Record artifacts.

Bullet UI

The Bullet UI that lets you build, run, save and visualize results from Bullet.

Last Tag GitHub release
Latest Artifact GitHub release


Date Release Highlights
2021-09-23 1.1.1 Removes autoformatting BQL, supports BQL 1.3.1 with Outer Queries
2021-05-18 1.1.0 Supports BQL upto Bullet BQL 1.2.0 (EXPLODE, LATERAL VIEW etc). Bug fixes for schema table, query builder subfield and bql auto-complete
2021-03-09 1.0.2 Link update for the BQL API
2021-02-18 1.0.1 Stomp Websocket disconnect on query end
2021-01-12 1.0.0 Ember 3 Octane, BQL support, new filter operators
2019-03-18 0.6.2 Logo update
2018-10-05 0.6.1 Timeseries Graphing, Bar, Pie Charts and FontAwesome
2018-07-20 0.6.0 Supports adding a full default starting query
2018-06-18 0.5.0 Supports windowing, uses IndexedDB and Ember 3!
2017-08-22 0.4.0 Query sharing, collapsible Raw view, and unsaved/error indicators. Settings rename and other bug fixes
2017-05-22 0.3.2 Exporting to TSV in Pivot table. Fixes unselectability bug in Raw view
2017-05-15 0.3.1 Adds styles to the Pivot table. Fixes some minor UI interactions
2017-05-10 0.3.0 Adds Charting and Pivoting support. Migrations enhanced. Support for overriding nested default settings
2017-05-03 0.2.2 Fixes maxlength of the input for points
2017-05-02 0.2.1 Fixes a bug with a dependency that broke sorting the Filters
2017-05-01 0.2.0 Release for Top K and Distribution. Supports Bullet Storm 0.4.2+
2017-02-21 0.1.0 The first release with support for all features included in Bullet Storm 0.2.1+

Bullet Record

The AVRO and other containers that you need to convert your data into to be consumed by Bullet. Also manages the typing in Bullet.

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Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-21 1.2.1 Type hinting JavaDocs
2021-07-30 1.2.0 UNKNOWN type guessing and support for UNKNOWN container types as first class. Allows much deeper types than what is supported JavaDocs
2021-06-29 1.1.4 LazyBulletAvro does not cause a SerDe cycle when copy constructing JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.1.3 Exposes LazyBulletAvro to plug in other Avros JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.1.2 First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.1.1 First release on Maven Central JavaDocs
2020-10-30 1.1.0 Ternary logic JavaDocs
2020-06-04 1.0.0 Type System, Typed records, Schemas, extended Types JavaDocs
2018-11-21 0.3.0 More setters in BulletRecord including a forceSet JavaDocs
2018-10-30 0.2.2 Extract from Lists and Map of Maps JavaDocs
2018-08-14 0.2.1 Supports List of Primitive types JavaDocs
2018-06-14 0.2.0 Makes BulletRecord pluggable, adds simple record and Avro record implementations JavaDocs
2017-05-19 0.1.2 Reduces the memory footprint needed to serialize itself by a factor of 128 for small records
2017-04-17 0.1.1 Helper methods to remove, rename, check presence and count fields in the Record
2017-02-09 0.1.0 Map constructor

Bullet DSL

A DSL to plug data sources into the Bullet Backend and Web Service.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.2.1 Bullet Core 1.5.1. UNKNOWN container types in Schema JavaDocs
2021-09-01 1.2.0 Bullet Core 1.5.0. AvroRecordConverter exposes hooks to modify its behavior for various conversions JavaDocs
2021-08-02 1.1.8 Bullet Core 1.4.4. AvroRecordConverter supports Avro Record types JavaDocs
2021-06-30 1.1.7 Bullet Core 1.4.2 JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.1.6 Bullet Core 1.3.1 JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.1.5 First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.1.4 First release on Maven Central. Bullet Core 1.2.2 and uses Lang3 Pair instead of JavaFX Pair JavaDocs
2021-03-25 1.1.3 Schema defaults changed from "" to null since Yaml library changed JavaDocs
2021-03-25 1.1.2 Bullet Core 1.2.1 and Kafka Clients 2.6.0 JavaDocs
2021-03-18 1.1.1 AvroBulletRecordConverter fixing String types JavaDocs
2021-02-17 1.1.0 JSONBulletRecordConverter JavaDocs
2021-02-11 1.0.1 Bullet Core 1.2, Unsets default connector/converter JavaDocs
2020-10-30 1.0.0 Bullet Core 1.1, Types to match Bullet Record 1.1 JavaDocs
2019-02-07 0.1.1 Interface consolidation, IdentityDeserializer JavaDocs
2019-02-05 0.1.0 Bullet DSL, Fat jar, Interface refactors JavaDocs
2019-01-08 0.0.1 First release JavaDocs

Bullet Kafka

A PubSub implementation using Kafka as the backing PubSub. Can be used with any Bullet Backend.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.3.1 Bullet Core 1.5.1 JavaDocs
2021-09-01 1.3.0 Bullet Core 1.5.0 JavaDocs
2021-08-02 1.2.4 Bullet Core 1.4.4 JavaDocs
2021-06-30 1.2.3 Bullet Core 1.4.2 JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.2.2 Bullet Core 1.3.1 JavaDocs
2021-05-07 1.2.1 Bug fix for response partitions not being honored if partition routing is disabled JavaDocs
2021-05-07 1.2.0 KafkaSubscriber now supports rate limiting. Optional disabling for partition routing JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.1.3 First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.1.2 First release on Maven Central. Bullet Core 1.2.2 JavaDocs
2021-04-05 1.1.1 Bug fix for Kafka CertRefresher refresh interval configuration type mismatch JavaDocs
2021-04-05 1.1.0 Kafka CertRefresher implementation for auto refreshing SSL credentials JavaDocs
2021-03-25 1.0.2 Bullet Core 1.2.1 and Kafka Clients 2.6.0 JavaDocs
2021-02-17 1.0.1 Bullet Core 1.2 JavaDocs
2020-10-30 1.0.0 Bullet Core 1.1 JavaDocs
2018-12-17 0.3.3 Removes adding unnecessary properties to Producers/Consumers JavaDocs
2018-11-26 0.3.2 Uses bullet-core-0.6.4 JavaDocs
2018-11-26 0.3.1 Uses bullet-core-0.6.0 and adds Validator JavaDocs
2018-02-27 0.3.0 Uses bullet-core-0.3.0 - windows / incremental updates JavaDocs
2017-10-19 0.2.0 Refactors and re-releases. Pass-through settings to Kafka. Manual offset committing bug fix
2017-09-27 0.1.2 Fixes a bug with config loading
2017-09-22 0.1.1 First release using the PubSub interfaces

Bullet Pulsar

A PubSub implementation using Pulsar as the backing PubSub. Can be used with any Bullet Backend.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.1.1 Bullet Core 1.5.1 JavaDocs
2021-09-01 1.1.0 Bullet Core 1.5.0 JavaDocs
2021-08-02 1.0.6 Bullet Core 1.4.4 JavaDocs
2021-06-30 1.0.5 Bullet Core 1.4.2 JavaDocs
2021-05-13 1.0.4 Bullet Core 1.3.1 JavaDocs
2021-04-27 1.0.3 First release using Screwdriver JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.0.2 First release on Maven Central. Bullet Core 1.2.2 JavaDocs
2021-03-25 1.0.1 Bullet Core 1.2.1 JavaDocs
2020-10-30 1.0.0 Bullet Core 1.1.0 JavaDocs
2018-12-10 0.1.0 First release using the PubSub interfaces JavaDocs

Bullet BQL

A library facilitating the conversion from Bullet BQL queries to Bullet queries. This is the interface to the API.

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Package Manager Setup Maven Central


Date Release JCenter Maven Central Highlights APIDocs
2021-09-23 1.3.1 Bullet Core 1.5.1. LazyPubSubMessageSerDe copies input JavaDocs
2021-09-01 1.3.0 Bullet Core 1.5.0. Nested (sub) queries and chained LATERAL VIEW EXPLODES JavaDocs
2021-08-02 1.2.5 Bullet Core 1.4.4 JavaDocs
2021-06-30 1.2.4 Bullet Core 1.4.2 JavaDocs
2021-06-28 1.2.3 Bug fix for LazyPubSubMessageSerDe clobbering the Metadata JavaDocs
2021-06-24 1.2.2 LazyPubSubMessageSerDe to do BQL in the backend JavaDocs
2021-06-09 1.2.1 UPPER, LOWER, MOD JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.1.2 First release on Maven Central. Bullet Core 1.2.2 JavaDocs
2021-04-22 1.1.1 Bullet Core 1.2.1 JavaDocs
2021-01-04 1.1.0 Bullet Core 1.2.0 JavaDocs
2021-01-04 1.0.0 Expressions, Schema integration, native queries instead of JSON JavaDocs
2018-11-28 0.2.1 Extended field access notation JavaDocs
2018-09-28 0.2.0 Adds Post Aggregations and uses bullet-core-0.5.1 JavaDocs
2018-09-06 0.1.2 Supports CONTAINSKEY, CONTAINSVALUE, SIZEOF, comparing to other fields. Fixes some bugs JavaDocs
2018-07-17 0.1.1 Stops publishing fat jar and marks slf4j dependency provided JavaDocs
2018-07-05 0.1.0 First release