Bullet API

This section gives a comprehensive overview of the Web Service API for launching Bullet queries.

For examples of queries, see the examples page.

BQL is the interface that is exposed to users to query Bullet. BQL queries that are received by the Web Service are converted to an underlying querying format before being sent to the backend. This conversion is done in the web service using the bullet-bql library.


Bullet-BQL provides users with a friendly SQL-like API to submit queries to the Web Service.

Statement Syntax

query is one of


where innerQuery is

SELECT select FROM stream
( LATERAL VIEW lateralView )?
( WHERE expression )?
( GROUP BY expressions )?
( HAVING expression )?
( ORDER BY orderBy )?
( WINDOWING window )?
( LIMIT Integer )?

and outerQuery is

SELECT select FROM ( innerQuery )
( LATERAL VIEW lateralView )?
( WHERE expression )?
( GROUP BY expressions )?
( HAVING expression )?
( ORDER BY orderBy )?
( LIMIT Integer )?

where select is

DISTINCT? selectItem ( , selectItem )*

and selectItem is one of

expression ( AS? identifier )?

and expression is one of

fieldExpression ( : fieldType )?
subFieldExpression ( : fieldType )?
subSubFieldExpression ( : fieldType )?                                                                         
expression IS NULL                                                                      
expression IS NOT NULL                                                                  
expression ( * | / | % ) expression                                  
expression ( + | - ) expression                                      
expression ( < | <= | > | >= ) ( ANY | ALL )? expression         
expression ( = | != ) ( ANY | ALL )? expression
expression NOT? RLIKE ANY? expression
expression NOT? IN expression
expression NOT? IN ( expressions )
expressioon NOT? BETWEEN ( expression, expression )
expression AND expression                                                 
expression XOR expression                                                 
expression OR expression                                                  
( expression )

and expressions is

expression ( , expression )*

where valueExpression is one of Null, Boolean, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, or NOW - a keyword that is converted to the current unix time in milliseconds

and fieldExpression is


and subFieldExpression is one of

fieldExpression [ Integer ]
fieldExpression [ String ]
fieldExpression [ expression ]
fieldExpression . identifier

and subSubFieldExpression is one of

subFieldExpression [ String ]
subFieldExpression [ expression ]
subFieldExpression . identifier

fieldType is one of

LIST [ primitiveType ]
MAP [ primitiveType ]
LIST [ MAP [ primitiveType ] ]
MAP [ MAP [ primitiveType ] ]


where listExpression is one of

[ expressions ]

unaryExpression is

( NOT | SIZEOF ) ( expression )                                                 with optional parentheses
( ABS | TRIM | LOWER | UPPER | HASH) ( expression )                             with non-optional parentheses

functionExpression is one of

( SIZEIS | CONTAINSKEY | CONTAINSVALUE | FILTER ) ( expression , expression )
UNIXTIMESTAMP ( expressions? )                                                  zero, one, or two arguments
SUBSTRING ( expressions? )                                                      two or three arguments
( IF | BETWEEN ) ( expressions? )                                               three arguments                         
CAST ( expression AS primitiveType )

where aggregateExpression is one of

COUNT ( * )                                                    
( SUM | AVG | MIN | MAX ) ( expression )                                
COUNT ( DISTINCT expression ( , expression )* )                                           
distributionType ( expression, inputMode )                            
TOP ( Integer ( , Integer )?, expression ( , expression )* )

where distributionType is QUANTILE, FREQ, or CUMFREQ

and inputMode is one of

LINEAR, Integer                                                                 evenly spaced
REGION, Number, Number, Number                                                  evenly spaced in a region
MANUAL, Number ( , Number )*                                                    defined points

and tableFunction is one of

OUTER? EXPLODE ( expression ) AS identifier                                     explode a list to one column
OUTER? EXPLODE ( expression ) AS ( identifier , identifier )                    explode a map to a key and a value column

and stream is one of

STREAM()                                                                        default time duration will be set from BQLConfig
STREAM( ( Integer | MAX ), TIME )                                               time based duration control

RECORD will be supported in the future.

and lateralView is

tableFunction (LATERAL VIEW tableFunction)*

and orderBy is

expression ( ASC | DESC )? ( , expression ( ASC | DESC )? )*

and window is one of

EVERY ( Integer, ( TIME | RECORD ), include )
TUMBLING ( Integer, ( TIME | RECORD ) )

include is one of

FIRST, Integer, ( TIME | RECORD )

Data Types