The UI Layer

The Bullet UI lets you easily create and work with Bullet queries and results for your custom data. It stores all created queries, results and other metadata in the local browser storage or IndexedDB.

Really!? Browser Storage only!?

We're serious about the no persistence thing with Bullet! And while we're at it, we are also not interested in supporting old browsers. Joking aside though, we wanted to keep Bullet as light and simple as possible to start with. We can look into extending support from the server-side by adding a database or the like if needed. In practice, we have found that this isn't as important as it initially seems.


In order for your UI to work with Bullet, you should have:


We are considering various packaging options at the moment like Docker etc. In the meantime, the following two options are available:

GitHub Releases

Build from source

The entire application with all its assets and dependencies are compiled and placed into dist/. You could point a web server directly at this folder but you will only be able to use the default configuration (see below).


There is a Node.js server endpoint defined at server/index.js to serve the UI. This dynamically injects the settings (see configuration below) into the served UI based on the environment variable NODE_ENV. You should not need to worry about if you only have one environment.

The entry-point for the UI is the Express endpoint defined as the main in package.json that simply adds the server/index.js as a middleware.

Regardless of which installation option you chose, you need the following folder structure in order to run the UI:


You can use node to launch the UI from the top-level of the folder structure above.

To launch the UI with the default settings (without specifying proper API endpoints you will not be able to create or run a query):

PORT=8800 node express-server.js

To launch with custom settings:

NODE_ENV=<your_property_name_from_env-settings.json> PORT=8800 node express-server.js

Visit localhost:8800 to see your UI that should be configured with the right settings.


The configuration for the UI lets you have different instances of Bullet for different environments (e.g. CI, Staging, Production). These settings can be found in env-settings.json.

Setting Meaning
queryHost The end point (port included) of your Web Service machine that is talking to the Bullet backend
queryNamespace Any qualifiers you have after your host and port on your Web Service running on your queryHost
queryPath The path fragment after the queryNamespace on your Web Service running on your queryHost for the WebSocket endpoint
validationPath The path fragment after the queryNamespace on your Web Service running on your queryHost for the Query Validation endpoint
queryStompRequestChannel The fragment after this is the Stomp Request channel as configured in your Web Service for the WebSocket endpoint
queryStompResponseChannel The fragment after this is the Stomp Response channel as configured in your Web Service for the WebSocket endpoint
schemaHost The end point (port included) of your Web Service machine that is serving your schema in the JSON API format (see Web Service setup for details.)
schemaNamespace The path fragment on your schema Web Service running on the schemaHost. There is no schemaPath because it must be columns in order for the UI to be able fetch the column resource (the fields in your schema).
modelVersion This is used an indicator to apply changes to the stored queries, results etc. It is monotonically increasing. On startup, changes specified in migrations will be applied if the old modelVersion is not present or is < than this number. This is generally incremented by the UI once backwards-incompatible changes are made.
migrations is an object that currently supports one key: deletions of type string. The value can be set to either result or query. The former wipes all existing results. The latter wipes everything. See modelVersion above.
helpLinks Is a list of objects, where each object is a help link. These links populate the "Help" drop-down on the UI's top navbar. You can add links to explain your data for example
defaultQuery Can either be a API Query or a URL from which one could be fetched dynamically. The UI makes this the query created on every newly created Query. You could use this as a way to have user specific (for example, cookie based) filters created for your users or customize an aggregation when they create a new query in the UI. Note that Builder Query do not support all API queries yet but whatever query you specify here (as long as it's a valid query) will be supported in the BQL query page in the UI. If it is not possible to convert your query into a Builder query, a default one will be used instead.
bugLink Is a URL that by default points to the issues page for the UI GitHub repository. You can change it to point to your own custom JIRA queue or something else
defaultValues Is an object that lets you configures defaults for various query parameters and lets you tie your custom backend settings to the UI

These are the properties in the defaultValues object. The Validated column denotes if the value is used when validating a query for correctness and the In Help column denotes if the value is displayed in the popover help messages in the UI.

Default Values Validated In Help Meaning
aggregationMaxSize Yes Yes The size used when doing a Count Distinct, Distinct, Group By, or Distribution query. Set this to your max aggregations size in your backend configuration
rawMaxSize Yes Yes The maximum size for a Raw query. Set this to your max raw aggregation size in your backend configuration
durationMaxSecs Yes Yes The maximum duration for a query. Set this to the seconds version of the milliseconds max duration in your backend configuration
distributionNumberOfPoints Yes No The default value filled in for the Number of Points field for all Distribution aggregations
distributionQuantilePoints No No The default value filled in for the Points field for Quantile Distribution aggregations
distributionQuantileStart No No The default value filled in for the Start field for Quantile Distribution aggregations
distributionQuantileEnd No No The default value filled in for the End field for Quantile Distribution aggregations
distributionQuantileIncrement No No The default value filled in for the Increment field for Quantile Distribution aggregations
windowEmitFrequencyMinSecs Yes No The minimum time interval at which a time based window can be returned in seconds. Set this to the minimum window emit frequency from your backend configuration
everyForRecordBasedWindow No No The default value for the number of records in a window for a record based window
everyForTimeBasedWindow No No The default value for the number of records in a window for a time based window in milliseconds
sketches.countDistinctMaxEntries No Yes The maximum entries configured for your Count Distinct sketch in your backend configuration
sketches.groupByMaxEntries No Yes The maximum entries configured for your Group sketch in your backend configuration
sketches.distributionMaxEntries No Yes The maximum entries configured for your Distribution sketch in your backend configuration
sketches.distributionMaxNumberOfPoints Yes Yes The maximum number of points allowed for Distribution aggregations in your backend configuration
sketches.topKMaxEntries No Yes The maximum entries configured for your Top K sketch in your backend configuration
sketches.topKErrorType No Yes The ErrorType used for your Top K sketch in your backend configuration. You should set this to the full String rather than NFN or NFP
metadataKeyMapping.querySection No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Query Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.windowSection No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Window Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.innerQuerySection No No The name of the Metadata key for the Inner Query (if any for your query) Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.sketchSection No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Sketches Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.theta No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Theta Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.uniquesEstimate No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Uniques Estimate Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.queryCreationTime No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Query Creation Time Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.queryTerminationTime No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Query Termination Time Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.estimatedResult No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Estimated Result Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.standardDeviations No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Standard Deviations Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.normalizedRankError No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Normalized Rank Error Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.maximumCountError No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Maximum Count Error Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.itemsSeen No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Items Seen Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.minimumValue No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Minimum Value Concept in your backend configuration
metadataKeyMapping.maximumValue No Yes The name of the Metadata key for the Maximum Value Concept in your backend configuration

You can specify values for each property above in the env-settings.json file. These will be used when running a custom instance of the UI (see above).

The default property in the env-settings.json that loads default settings for the UI that can be selectively overridden based on which environment you are running on. All settings explained above have default values that are the same as the default backend settings.

  "default": {
    "queryHost": "http://localhost:5555",
    "queryNamespace": "api/bullet/queries",
    "queryPath": "ws-query",
    "validationPath": "validate-query",
    "queryStompRequestChannel": "/server/request",
    "queryStompResponseChannel": "/client/response",
    "schemaHost": "http://localhost:5555",
    "schemaNamespace": "api/bullet",
    "helpLinks": [
        "name": "Tutorials",
        "link": ""
    "bugLink": "",
    "modelVersion": 4,
    "migrations": {
      "deletions": "query"
    "defaultQuery": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM STREAM(60000, TIME) WINDOWING TUMBLING(2000, TIME);",
    "defaultValues": {
      "aggregationMaxSize": 500,
      "rawMaxSize": 100,
      "durationMaxSecs": 9007199254740,
      "distributionNumberOfPoints": 11,
      "distributionQuantilePoints": "0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1",
      "distributionQuantileStart": 0,
      "distributionQuantileEnd": 1,
      "distributionQuantileIncrement": 0.1,
      "windowEmitFrequencyMinSecs": 1,
      "everyForRecordBasedWindow": 1,
      "everyForTimeBasedWindow": 2000,
      "sketches": {
        "countDistinctMaxEntries": 16384,
        "groupByMaxEntries": 512,
        "distributionMaxEntries": 1024,
        "distributionMaxNumberOfPoints": 100,
        "topKMaxEntries": 1024,
        "topKErrorType": "No False Negatives"
      "metadataKeyMapping": {
        "querySection": "Query",
        "windowSection": "Window",
        "sketchSection": "Sketch",
        "theta": "Theta",
        "uniquesEstimate": "Uniques Estimate",
        "queryCreationTime": "Receive Time",
        "queryTerminationTime": "Finish Time",
        "estimatedResult": "Was Estimated",
        "standardDeviations": "Standard Deviations",
        "normalizedRankError": "Normalized Rank Error",
        "maximumCountError": "Maximum Count Error",
        "itemsSeen": "Items Seen",
        "minimumValue": "Minimum Value",
        "maximumValue": "Maximum Value",
        "windowNumber": "Number",
        "windowSize": "Size",
        "windowEmitTime": "Emit Time",
        "expectedEmitTime": "Expected Emit Time"

You can add more properties for each environment you have the UI running on and override the properties in the default object. See below for an example.


All your Web Service endpoints must support CORS (return the right headers) in order for the UI to be able to communicate with it. The Bullet Web Service already does this for the Query and Schema endpoints.


To cement all this, if you wanted an instance of the UI in your CI environment, you could add another property to the env-settings.json file.

    "ci": {
        "queryHost": "",
        "schemaHost": "",
        "helpLinks": [
            "name": "Custom Documentation",
            "link": ""
        "defaultValues" : {
            "durationMaxSecs": 300,
            "sketches": {
                "countDistinctMaxEntries": 32768,
                "distributionMaxNumberOfPoints": 50
        "defaultQuery": ""

Your UI on your CI environment will:

You would make express use these settings by running

NODE_ENV=ci PORT=8800 node express-server.js